Alec's Final Post

Alec Smail
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Prompt: The prompt for our studio was to create a musical intervention that would make the front walkway of our school more engaging and entertaining for people to walk down and enjoy. This would better present our school to visitors and to incoming students alike. This was that aim of our project and the marble run that my group made. Our group addressed this prompt by making a marble run with glass bottles to provide music as that marble run goes through the bottles. This helps to show that our school cares about the environment by using recycled bottles.

Description of Intervention: Our intervention was a marble run. This marble run included multiple components that made it special. One of these components is the crank that I made. This is made of 3d printed parts that had a magnet in them. The magnet then picked up the marble and at the top would be pushed off by a rod. Next, in the marble run there are recycled glass bottles that make the music. The marble will bounce down that bottles and create a unique noise. This is the components of our marble run that make it unique and different from others.

Description of how to play the intervention: You play the intervention by cranking the pulley system to bring a marble to the top of the marble run. The marble will then run down the course and bounce off different bottles creating a different sound each time that will  present it with a unique feel each time the marble run is played. 

Lessons learned from prototype: The lessons that I learned from my prototype was that I had to create a better system of making the pulley system work. This would help to make it more accurate and easier to pick up the marbles and out them into the marble run. In addition, we realized that having one point of focus was what we needed to be successful. 

Next Steps: The next steps to take in our project would be to make this full scale. That means setting it up on the walkway and testing the marble run and making sure it works. We will also have to finish the pulley and the marble run and attach the bottle to the boxes. After this we would have attach it to the building and have people play with it. These are the steps we would need to take to finish and make our marble run a polished product that people could use.

Outside Precedents: Some precedents that inspired us were the Wintergatan music which used marbles to hit other things to create music. This inspired us to create a marble run that would create music that people would like. We thought that making music out of a marble run would be interesting to people to listen to and they would like to walk down the walkway if they could listen to the music