Macs Final Post

Mac f
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Our prompt was to make a musical insulation in the hallway leading up to the school. This would hopefully make people want to walk alone the hall and be intrigued by all the installations.

How are we addressing it?:

We are making a marble run that encourages people to recycle. We are making the marble run out of recycled materials as well. We are going to make it out of recycled glass bottles and at the end it goes into a recycling bin.


The marble run works by a marble is let out at the top then hits recycled glass bottles in a series of boxes to make noises. After that it goes to a conveyer belt where it is scooped up by magnetic 3d printed marble picker upper to be brought back to the top.

Lesson Learned?:

We learned that you have to have realistic expectations. First we started out with an incredibly super mega unrealistic idea. We did not really consider the time and material limitations. Now we have a much more simple and realistic idea that is still as cool.

Next Steps:

Our next steps are to finish the project and install it to the wall by the Auditorium. We plan to drill holes into the brick to put the boxes on.

Outside Presidents:

The Wintergarten project. We got inspiration from the way that the marbles fall onto the keys and make noise. When we made it we put a little twist where it falls onto recycled glass bottle to help encourage people to recycle.

Final Summative

Izaiah Moses

What's the prompt?

Our prompt was to create a musical intervention that compels people to come into our school. Our main goal was to create a fun interactive musical instrument that everyone can play.

How did we address the prompt?

We decided to make a interactive marble run that uses recycled materials to make music. One of the biggest goals for us was to create a funcional marble run that is easy and fun for everyone.

How is it played?

Our marble run is built on a brick wall, the marble rolls down through to box and hits the various recycled bottles as it falls. This creates a noise which is different for each because of different bottles sizes and the speed the marble is moving.

What did we learn?

One of the main things that I learned was that you have to be able to keep a level head and stay on task. Because once you allow yourself to get distracted by little things you don't move anywhere with your project.

Next steps?

Our next step is to continue working on the project and work out all of the unfinished components of our project, and hopefully finish the project in time for next school year.

Gavyn's Final Project.

Gavyn Sammel
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Prompt: We needed to make a musical intervention that attracts people down the hallway into the lobby. It could not bother nearby classes. It had to be musical. We chose to make a musical marble run.

Precedents: We based this marble run off of the Rube Goldberg device. We thought that kind of thing was cool, and could make good music.

Description: Our original thought was more of a Rube Goldberg device. We started to lean away from that idea a bit. Our new thought was more doable. We made three different boxes, each with recyclable glass bottles inside. A marble would fall onto each bottle, making a new note each time. When the marble reaches the bottom of the box, it will roll through a tube, and go through to the next box. When it reaches the bottom of the third box, it will land in an elevator-like contraption. The person using the marble run will pull a crank. The crank will pull the marble back to the top. Since we are using reusable glass bottles, it will promote the idea of recycling.

What We Learned: We learned to persevere. At some points it seemed impossible to overcome an obstacle. We also learned to be innovative. We used some things for our project we thought we wouldn't have to use for something so official and permanent.

Next Steps: We must finish our project by putting everything together. We have everything done, but it just needs to be assembled.

Alec's Final Post

Alec Smail
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Prompt: The prompt for our studio was to create a musical intervention that would make the front walkway of our school more engaging and entertaining for people to walk down and enjoy. This would better present our school to visitors and to incoming students alike. This was that aim of our project and the marble run that my group made. Our group addressed this prompt by making a marble run with glass bottles to provide music as that marble run goes through the bottles. This helps to show that our school cares about the environment by using recycled bottles.

Description of Intervention: Our intervention was a marble run. This marble run included multiple components that made it special. One of these components is the crank that I made. This is made of 3d printed parts that had a magnet in them. The magnet then picked up the marble and at the top would be pushed off by a rod. Next, in the marble run there are recycled glass bottles that make the music. The marble will bounce down that bottles and create a unique noise. This is the components of our marble run that make it unique and different from others.

Description of how to play the intervention: You play the intervention by cranking the pulley system to bring a marble to the top of the marble run. The marble will then run down the course and bounce off different bottles creating a different sound each time that will  present it with a unique feel each time the marble run is played. 

Lessons learned from prototype: The lessons that I learned from my prototype was that I had to create a better system of making the pulley system work. This would help to make it more accurate and easier to pick up the marbles and out them into the marble run. In addition, we realized that having one point of focus was what we needed to be successful. 

Next Steps: The next steps to take in our project would be to make this full scale. That means setting it up on the walkway and testing the marble run and making sure it works. We will also have to finish the pulley and the marble run and attach the bottle to the boxes. After this we would have attach it to the building and have people play with it. These are the steps we would need to take to finish and make our marble run a polished product that people could use.

Outside Precedents: Some precedents that inspired us were the Wintergatan music which used marbles to hit other things to create music. This inspired us to create a marble run that would create music that people would like. We thought that making music out of a marble run would be interesting to people to listen to and they would like to walk down the walkway if they could listen to the music  

Final post

William Longfield
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What's the prompt

Our prompt was to create a musical intervention that is interactive to entice people to come into our school. We really had to think about what are we trying to accomplish by the end of the school year and make a large impact on our school community. Mr. Smail gave us our restrictions of were we can build our project and what the main purpose of build our intervention.  

How are you going to address the prompt

We have decided to address our prompt by creating and interactive marble run. The marble run that we have created has is made up of three wooden boxes, pvc pipes, marbles, and recycled bottles. Our goal for this project was to make the best possible musical intervention and make it enjoyable for students walking into our school

How its played

Our marble run starts at the top of a brick wall and goes through a  box with recycled bottles. When our metal marble hits the glass bottle it projects noise and the different size bottles, means different sounds. There are a total of three boxes and each one looks like the other. The marble gets back up to the top by a hand held crank, and the process repeats itself.

What have you learned

One thing that we have learned from this project was to preserve. We have had limited time on this project and time plays a big role when creating big projects like ours. We had smaller groups working to a common goal, to get this marble run done. We also learned teamwork during this project because things can get out of hand when working on a big project like ours. So teamwork was definitely important to us when working on the marble run.

Next steps

Our next step for this project are really to make it final and make it look as nice as it can look. We hope our final marble run can perform to the best to its abilities. Eventual I hope our group can work on paint ing our project and make it look very nice and catch people eye when walking into the school.


I was inspired for this project by a marble machine that play music. When I first saw this I was amazed by the complexity and the sounds it created. It really got me thinking about our prompt and how we could make it to our guidelines. Overall, I feel that we have worked really hard on this project, and we hope you will enjoy the woodstock marble run.   

Marble Run Presentation(Start)

Izaiah Moses
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