Spring 2022 - Solids & Voids - ISP

Timber Connections

Sumanth Mysore Krishna
Mass timber Types.pdf

Paper Folds

Logan Sudol


Glow: It is a spiral and the triangles that make it up are defined.

Grow: Next time make it with a thinner longer sheet of paper so it will spiral more.

Knife plates:

Glow: They are simple but effective.

Grow: Each plate is not the same size, so next time measure more precisely.

Gathered Plates:

 Glow: They look super cool and interesting.

Grow: Next time use a larger piece of paper so that they will spiral as you make more. 

3D Print & Plaster Mold

Sumanth Mysore Krishna

Columns - Rhino

Sumanth Mysore Krishna


Logan Sudol

Mold Ratios

Logan Sudol

Concrete: .4 water .6 concrete

clay: not sure

Plaster: 1 part water 2 parts plaster

Epoxy: 1:1

Bio-plastic: 10ml water, .5-1.5g glycerine, 1.5g corn starch, 1ml white vinegar. 

Mycelium is very complicated, I haven't found a consistent ratio, but it does say to keep space very clean to not have mold.

List of rhino commands that might be useful

Sumanth Mysore Krishna











Prompt 2 – Digital Solids

Sumanth Mysore Krishna

Image source: Hans Tursack Instagram

Reading - On Mass vs. Graphics - Joe Ledbetter/Tom Wiscombe 

Write a short response of approximately 300 words on what stood out to you about this text. Comment on their understanding of masses, basic geometries, solids and voids, use of color,  texture, and graphics.


Rhino - Using the following 10 commands on Rhino create a series of explorations from basic geometric forms such as cubes, cuboids, pyramids, cylinders, etc.

Rhino Commands - Drape, Contour, BooleanUnion, BooleanDifference, BooleanSplit, BooleanIntersect, Shell, Cap, ChamferEdge, FilletEdge


Save each experiment/exploration into separate OBJ files.


Deliverables by Friday 2/4

1 - Reading response 

2 - Compilation of explorations

See/Saw Megan Panzano

Sumanth Mysore Krishna


Project Link: 
