Different Interpretations of the Stars

Different Interpretations of the Stars

Sarah Bacon

Our goal for this project was to have the audience learn about other cultural views of the constellations and how they differ. We wanted them to walk away and think about how their lives may have an impact on their interpretation of the stars.

I discovered new views of the stars created by the myths from multiple cultures. Being able to step away from the boundaries placed upon the stars and applying your interpretation to create a new view of something is a major part of astronomy.

The project itself went well, but my partnership didn’t go as planned. We had a difficult time splitting up the work evenly. There wasn’t much initiative from my partner to help with this project. The coding was hard because I over complicated it when, in reality, it was fairly simple.

If I had more time, I would reprint everything in the book. I already revised it to a point where it is more cohesive and in an order that makes sense. When I reprinted it, the star/dot image was a lot smaller than I originally planned for, so I didn’t want to keep reprinting it and waste paper and ink. My final product stayed on track with my learning targets.