The Long Recorder

The Long Recorder

Michael Lacroix

This project was assigned to us by our principal Mr. Smail. The assignment was to create a musical intstrument that me and my partner can attatch to the building without affecting the structural integegrity. This should not be to loud and it should have a stopping mechanism. Our group has made a reasonably quiet intsrument yet we have not figured out a stopping mechanism. Our intsrument is a long recorder that is pumped by a bellows foot organ. The long tube that goes from the pump to the mouthpeice symbolizes the blow of a person because we are not putting our mouths on it,  'tis not very sanitary. Some lessons I learned were that there is a specific placement of the holes that arre needed to be cut and the outhpeice is complicated, due to the fact we need to cut the air so it kind of whistles. Right now we have the whistling noise on our intsrument but for some reason the notes are not woking so we can't change the pitch. In the future we are gonna eork on making a recorder that plays more than one note. When we were thinking of ideas for a instument I thought of a fun way to use a instrument and it was either the idea of me stomping on somehting or hitting something and we went with hitting something