Project Brief

Ashton Scherer

A machine created to frost cupcakes efficiently and hand-free. Instead of the traditional method of moving a piping bag above a cupcake, a clamp holds the bag in place and squeezes frosting onto the cupcake, which is moving and slowly spinning on a spiral-shaped track.

   Trying to frost cupcakes using a piping bag can be inefficient, messy, and frustrating. This machine solves the problem of traditional piping by producing professional-looking cupcakes while eliminating all the difficulties of frosting by hand. The piping bad is held in place and a sliding clamp squeezes frosting out by pushing down from the top of the bag. The cupcake is placed on a platform connected to a spiral track that moves the cupcake to mimic the spiral-pattern that is traditionally done by the piping bag. The pieces of the machine make use of multiple types of modern technology, being made from a combination of laser cut wood and 3D printed pieces, with the track powered by a small motor. 

  This machine will make frosting cupcakes easier and more efficient for people striving for the "perfect cupcake." Mastering the technique of piping frosting onto cupcakes is difficult, and for the people who want to have cupcakes all come out looking like they should be in a bakery, this machine solves that problem. All that's required by the person frosting is filling and placing the piping bag, and placing and removing cupcakes on/from the platform. The machine does the rest.