Invisible Human Impacts (G)


Nathaniel Hough


Skyler Roebuck

Milking a Tree GIF

Dustin Brugmann

Tick GIF

Dustin Brugmann

gif for lake champlain

Oliver Szott


Norah Harper


Cyrus Harkins

Climate change is making the world warmer. Ice melts when it's warm so therefor the big bodies of water that freeze during winter are thinner. We love snowmobiling. We wanted to represent what it's going to be like in the future.


Graham Farrington

Project Description

Dustin Brugmann

Scientists have concluded that human activity around the world is partly to blame for our climate trajectory, yet the specific causes and effects are invisible or unknown to us because of the scale or timeline. In this studio, we will look at what is happening to to our climate and try to identify the direct and indirect measurable consequences on society.  Are the effects the same locally as they are globally? Students will identify some aspect about climate change, looking very closely at the data. How important is this information for communicating this global change? While interpreting this data, students will create machines or devices to help people visualize sets of data from different areas of the world or change over time.